- 1998Creation and opening terminal at Loven harbor.
- 2003First train from Rotterdam to Tilburg: opening of the Tilburg rail terminal.
- 2004Acquisition of rail activities and operation of RTE rail terminal Eindhoven
- 2010Expansion of BTT Loven with 100% space + 200 meters of quay
- July 1, 2013Opening phase 1 Vossenberg terminal 25,000 m2
- 2013Establishment of Freight Management activities
- 2015/2016Expansion phase 2 & 3 Vossenberg terminal by 30,000 m2
- 2017Opening of the Kempen terminal in Weert
- 2017Opening / acquisition rail terminal Rzepin in Poland
- 2018Official establishment and cooperation WBC
- 2019Official opening of China office
- 2020/2021Build new headquarters BTT Multimodal Group
- 2021Foundation of Rental Service
- 2021Expansion of 9,000m2 warehousing China Cargo Center
- Dec. 19, 2021Transfer shares GVT Transport & Logistics to ID Logistics
- 2023Construction of a new 5,000m2 warehouse in Bergen op Zoom
- 2023Takeover of terminal activities of OTB Bergen op Zoom
- 2023Opening Car Center 22,000m2 Tilburg
- 2023Opening new terminal Bergen op Zoom 40,000m2